About Us.
Our Mission.
We welcome and accept individuals and families of diverse forms.
We embrace all people seeking new or renewed relationships with God or a healing spirit of belonging in a loving parish where we are known.
We intentionally focus our energies and resources on our current strengths and identified growth areas in order to increase our congregation's size and its presence in the community and diocese.
Vision Statement.
St. Thomas of Canterbury is an Episcopal parish centered on the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ. We commit ourselves to be a caring, diverse congregation that grows by:
Welcoming all people
Reaching out to our surrounding community
Ministering to those in need
At St. Thomas of Canterbury our mission statement speaks to the inclusiveness of our community... a church where all can encounter the living God. We welcome individuals and families that reflect the diversity of God’s Kingdom and share our vision of faith.
We embrace all people seeking new or renewed relationships with God. We offer a healing spirit of belonging in a loving parish where all are known. We are an Episcopal parish where sharing the Eucharist is the central spiritual activity, which outweighs the importance of agreement on some of the finer points of doctrine. We are a mixed group encompassing new and long-term Episcopalians as well as converts from other churches and faiths. We welcome people of all ages with their varying needs and interests.
Leaders of Saint Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-2:00 pm and by appointment.
Email: stlb47@verizon.net, revsharonsheffield@gmail.com
Church Phone: (562) 425-4457 Cell: (562) 833-3393
Allen Stout - Bishop's Warden
Shelley Arnold- People's Warden
Lance Brooks - Treasurer
John Mitchell - Bookkeeper
Shelley Arnold - People’s Warden
Lance Brooks - Treasurer
Jane Gordon-Topper
Camelia Jolly
John Mitchell - Bookkeeper
Jeremy Richmond
Lynne Richmond - Secretary
Allen Stout - Bishop's Warden
Andrea Utzman - Clerk
Sue Williams
William Henderson
Email Bill Henderson: Whender808@yahoo.com
Sue Williams
Dottie Cook
Tom Krumwied
Email the Church Office: stlb47@verizon.net
Phone the Church Office: 562 425-4457
Marc Skuster
Email Marc Skuster: mjskuster@verizon.net