Spiritual Development.
Jesus said, "I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." John 8:12
There are ongoing opportunities for personal spiritual development in the wider Episcopal Church and at St. Thomas of Canterbury Church.
Lectio Divina or "divine reading" is a group practice involving deep reading of, reflection on, and response to scripture.
The Daily Office, also known as Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer, is a lovely devotion in the Anglican tradition that guides worshippers through a series of prayers and scripture readings. Mother Sharon Sheffield livestreams Morning Prayer Tuesday through Thursday at 9:00 AM from the St. Thomas of Canterbury Facebook page.
In addition, the Mission of St. Clare now offers online resources for participating in this practice. The Website leads you through the prayers and scriptural readings, and offers midi files if you wish to sing the suggested hymns.